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‘Nova’ gets put on the back burner as the Disney top brass urges Marvel to slow down

We'll just have to wait a bit longer for the hotly-anticipated cosmic favorite.

Image via Marvel Studios/Remix by Keane Eacobellis

It’s beginning to become quite clear that Marvel Cinematic Universe fatigue is in very real danger of setting in to unprecedented levels, with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania shaping up to be the franchise’s latest underwhelming endeavor.

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It can’t be a coincidence that the downturn in quality has coincided with an uptick in quality, seeing as Disney Plus has at least doubled the volume of projects being released on an annual basis. It’s already looking as though some of the scheduled 2023 streaming shows will be pushed back, but Nova in particular has been placed on the back burner.

Image via Marvel Comics

Disney CEO Bob Iger wants to slow down production on franchise-driven content that isn’t 100 percent guaranteed to perform to acceptable levels, with The Hollywood Reporter noting that in regards to the MCU, “shows in development, such as Nova, are now on a slower path.”

Moon Knight writer Sabir Pirzada was announced to be handling the project almost a year ago, but we haven’t heard a thing about the cosmic caper in an official capacity apart from the initial reveal, besides the never-ending churn of rumor and speculation. Nova is a character fans have been wanting to see in the MCU for the longest time, but they’re just going to have to wait that little bit longer.

With the Mouse House tightening purse strings at every level, don’t be surprised if several additional MCU offerings end up being delayed, slowed down, or quietly abandoned altogether. We never thought we’d see the day, but there might be too much Marvel Studios content coming down the pipeline for all of it to matter.