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One of the greatest and influential blockbusters ever made celebrates a milestone by returning to the Top 10 on streaming and at the box office

And it never gets any less thrilling no matter how many times you've seen it.

jurassic park
Image via Universal

There aren’t many blockbusters that can justifiably be called one of the greatest and most important in the history of cinema without at least a grain of hyperbole being applied, but Jurassic Park is undoubtedly one that nobody in their right mind could possibly hope to argue with.

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A game-changer in every sense of the world, Steven Spielberg’s classic picked up from where fellow revolutionary James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgement Day left off by helping usher in the CGI revolution, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that the 30 year-old effects hold up much better than plenty of movies to have released last year, never mind across three decades.

Ariana Richards Sam Neill and Tim Murphy in 'Jurassic Park'
Photo via Universal Pictures

It also became the highest-grossing movie ever released, even if it did take more than 20 years to cross the fabled billion-dollar threshold, and let’s not forget that three of its five sequels would go on to earn in excess of 10 figures at the box office, too. Everybody has seen Jurassic Park at least once, and it’s been re-released more times than almost any other film, and yet it continues to capture the imagination.

Not only has it cracked the Top 10 most-watched list on Hulu as it celebrates its 30th anniversary (per FlixPatrol), but it’s also tracking for a $3 million weekend in domestic theaters, and if it winds up on the higher end of those projections then it’s on course to re-enter the box office charts, too.

Quite simply, Jurassic Park is one of those pop culture-defining titles that will never lose its luster, and most deservedly so.