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One of the scariest and most controversial horror movies ever made quite literally ruined a girl’s life

It's definitely intense.

Image via Unearthed Films

The topic of controversy is certainly no stranger when it comes to the versatile realm of cinematic horror, with a variety of movies plagued by a vast multitude of ever-present controversy that is attached to said projects. And while the old saying insists that controversy does indeed create cash, some horror movies in particular have scarred moviegoers so badly to the point that it has affected their everyday lives. This is precisely the case for A Serbian Film — an exploitation horror which has made its mark in history as one of the most controversial movies ever made.

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Directed by Srđan Spasojević, the Serbian director kickstarted his career with this movie serving as his directorial debut — although a mountain of controversy soon followed its official release. Over the years, the film has been referred to as “torture porn” and a project that is profoundly disturbing to say the least. And while the project has undoubtedly affected folks very differently, one person in particular seems to have been affected on a level that others simply can’t imagine.

A Serbian Film
Image via Unearthed Films

A recent Reddit thread over on the r/horror platform featured a user describing an incident in which they overheard a horrifying conversation while dining at a restaurant. The user detailed an extremely traumatized girl who insisted that the horror flick caused her to drop out of school and suffer an emotional breakdown — eventually leading to a need for medication and extensive therapy.

As to be expected, the comment section was completely split down the middle — with some users shocked that anybody would feel that affected by a movie while others were in full support and insisted that the film is certainly traumatizing in its own way. Flash forward to now, and A Serbian Film is still etched in history as a deeply disturbing horror movie that will live in minds for decades to come.