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Five Jaegers That Would Make A Pacific Rim Sequel Worth Our Time

And lo, with so much sound and fury, Pacific Rim has come and gone, and with it any hopes that it would be better than or worse than or exactly as good or as bad as it turned out to be. You guessed it: I’m not here to commit to a criticism. I just wanted to share with you five hulking great ways I thought the film could have been shaped into something more interesting that Gil Del Toro and company can feel free to pick clean for use in any sequel Hollywood's deep pockets elect to produce.

Five Jaegers That Would Make A Pacific Rim Sequel Worth Our Time | We Got This Covered

Five Jaegers That Would Make A Pacific Rim Sequel Worth Our Time | We Got This Covered

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Hey, if you haven’t seen Pacific Rim (and thanks a whole bunch for reading this, if not), I just wanted to offer the possible consolation that if you’ve seen the intended final episode of Best Cartoon Ever Dexter’s Laboratory, “Last But Not Beast,” then don’t worry, because you basically have seen Pacific Rim, only a version with heart and humor and all kinds of H-words that Del Toro’s smashfest is lacking.

Therein, young Dexter takes his existing mech, the Robo-Dexo 2000, to Japan to fight a beast which has taken it upon himself to use his head (also an axe) to absolutely destroy the place. After a minor setback/total annihilation, he regroups, learns something about himself, and heads back into the fray, this time with family and friends in tow, before emerging victorious and wiping his parents’ memories so they don’t remember the ordeal. While Pacific Rim sadly lacks that last option, the two works are by and large comparable.

Pacific Rim 2: World Rim could be a lot more successful than the first by having one of its mechs piloted by a child. Think about it this way. Kids are awesome. Short Round, Anakin Skywalker, Fudge… movie audiences love little dudes who can handle themselves in relatively adult situations. It’s a marketing goldmine, too, because toy companies only have to use half the plastic to make the action figures but they’ll sell for as much, and we’ll all get a role model to boot. Remember when your folks bought you the two kids from Jurassic Park instead of that velociraptor? Evil won that Christmas, and dagnabbit, can win again! Why not pass the baton of disappointment to a whole NEW generation? It’s a win-win…win (…win?) situation. Guarantee it… Robo-Dexo 2000 can, will, and SHOULD…

Make A Pacific Rim Sequel Worth Our Time

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