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Paddington Photoshopped into ‘Barbie’ set photos is exactly the image you need to see today

That bear really does get around.

Image via StudioCanal

It has been a very, very rough couple of weeks for many of us. Dark clouds seem to be looming on every horizon, and you could probably use a silver lining of some kind so, on the off chance that you forgot to pack an emergency pick-me-up marmalade sandwich in your hat, here is a picture of Paddington Bear photoshopped into a set photo from the upcoming Barbie movie. With matching outfits, of course.

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The photo, featuring the bear in question between Margot Robbie’s Barbie and Ryan Gosling’s Ken, in matching eye-obliterating Day-Glo shirt, jams, wristbands, and fanny pack is the product of internet hero and Twitter user, Jaythechou. The anonymous graphic artist has one simple yet seemingly impossible goal: to photoshop Paddington Bear into every film and TV show possible.

The Barbie set photo, which is sourced from set photos showing the co-stars in their neon-toned rollerblading gear, is Jaythechou’s 477th day of effort on his project, undoubtedly familiar to any habitual peruser of Twitter. The regular posts serve as a welcome timeline cleanser for millions of doomscrolling users, and even the more macabre mash-ups (Paddington in William Murnau’s 1922 silent vampire movie Nosferatu for example) still bring a whimsy-inspired smile to the app’s jaded audience.

Jaythechou doesn’t let himself be trammeled by genre or release date, or even quality. He’s taken on legendary Hollywood musicals such as Singin’ in the Rain.

Foreign blockbusters like Bollywood breakout RRR.

80s classics like The Breakfast Club.

And even this:

Sometimes the feed even gets a bit meta.

And that’s just in the last three weeks. You can follow the account on Twitter or even contribute to their Patreon if you want to show appreciation for the good feels.

Or you can just stock up on marmalade to hold you over until Paddington in Peru, set to begin filming next year, arrives.