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Why There’s No Point In Making Any More Avengers Movies

In the biggest non-surprise of the year, Avengers: Endgame is crushing the global box office, with a billion dollar opening weekend becoming a huge possibility. Money aside, the fans have given it a thumbs up to go with the critics' stamp of approval, proving that Marvel Studios is Kryptonite to bad reviews. All in all, it's the perfect and supreme sendoff to an era of superhero films that will not be soon forgotten.

Avengers: Endgame

The Avengers Could Just Come Back

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Avengers Endgame

If there’s one thing that Avengers: Endgame taught fans, it’s never say never. Now that time travel has been unlocked, the stories are limitless. Everything that’s done can be undone and it’s a get-out-of-jail-free card for the creators if they ever backtrack or regret anything they’ve done. In other words, don’t say goodbye thinking it’s forever.

While a major part of this “end of an era” spiel is due to the actors being out of contract and wanting to explore other opportunities, a lot could change in the future. Naturally, it must be tiring and frustrating for someone like Chris Evans to be locked into a franchise for so long. It might look like a dream job for anyone on the outside, but his entire professional life has revolved around a single character for the past decade. He’s probably had to turn down roles he really wanted because of his Captain America commitments and made other personal sacrifices. Right now, he must feel freer than a bird in the sky.

Things change, though. Somewhere, long down the line, these actors could miss their roles and want to revisit their glory days. There’s no way that Marvel Studios would turn down the opportunity of putting the old gang back together for another billion dollar payday. In Hollywood, it’s money that talks and people change their minds very quickly when extra zeroes are added at the end of a check. It’s like in the music industry where farewell tours mean absolutely nothing when mega money is involved.