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Predicting The Directors Guild Of America Nominees

Tomorrow sees the Directors Guild of America announce their five nominees for their top award: Best Director for Feature Film. So, once again it's time to predict who's going to be making the final cut for this important award. As you are probably aware, the winner of this award almost always goes on to win the corresponding Oscar, so let's see who has the best chance to be in the running.

Ridley Scott

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Spot number four gets a little shakier. I’m giving it to Sir Ridley Scott for his excellent direction of The Martian. He brings together all the elements of this captivating tale and turns it into something quite believable, which is no small feat given the demands of the story. What we’re left with is a film that has you rooting the entire time for the astronaut’s safe return, and that’s thanks in no small part to how Scott presents the story and its various, complex parts.

The reason I feel his inclusion is a little shaky is because, while he has been included in several places throughout the season, his only major win is from the NBR, who can be a little far off when it comes to their winners (Clint Eastwood for American Sniper, Spike Jonze for Her, Clint Eastwood for Invictus, etc.). However, given that he’s gotten nominations for the Golden Globe, Critics Choice, and even BAFTA, I feel confident enough to add his name to the list.

Adam McKay

My fifth and final spot is going out on a limb. My final prediction is that Adam McKay will be included for his direction for The Big Short. Like with Tom McCarthy, it’s not a name I would include simply because his direction for the film is not particularly noteworthy, but it is a name that has been mentioned a few times throughout the season.

However, that’s not the reason I would include him in my list of predictions, for if that were all I was going on, it would be terrible evidence, especially given his failure to get a nod for the Golden Globe or Critics Choice (though to be fair, he did nab a BAFTA nomination, but that alone doesn’t mean much).

The reason I include him is due to the film’s major popularity with the other guilds thus far. The Big short has nabbed nominations from the PGA, WGA, SAG, and ACE, so, like with Spotlight, it seems logical that the DGA would follow suit, giving him the fifth spot on my list.

There are certainly other names that could be included, and even ones that very nearly made my list, including Todd Haynes for his gorgeous direction for Carol. However, the film has not been very popular with the guilds. It didn’t get the much-needed PGA nomination or a SAG nomination for Best Cast, and more than likely only nabbed a WGA nomination because Room and Brooklyn were deemed ineligible due to that guild’s ridiculous rules.

There’s also a chance of seeing Steven Spielberg show up here for Bridge of Spies, especially after earning nominations from the Critics Choice and BAFTA, but I don’t feel he has as strong a case as the five I’ve chosen.

Anyways, my final five predictions are as follows:

Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, The Revenant
Tom McCarthy, Spotlight
Adam McKay, The Big Short
George Miller, Mad Max: Fury Road
Ridley Scott, The Martian

Do you agree with these choices? Who do you think will be included in the announcement tomorrow? Let us know in the comments and be sure to check back tomorrow to see who makes the cut.