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5 Presidents Who Deserve Their Own Film

Lincoln was an excellent portrayal of one of our nation's most famous presidents and Daniel Day-Lewis was superb in the role, almost looking more like the 16th president than Abraham Lincoln did himself. In the wake of such a well-made presidential biopic, the question has to be raised: What other presidents deserve their own, well-made film?

4. Theodore Roosevelt

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One of the most colorful personalities ever to grace the oval office, Teddy Roosevelt’s story would make for an excellently entertaining film.

He won a Nobel Peace Prize, was blinded in one eye during a boxing match while in office, and was shot right before giving a speech in Milwaukee, a speech he still gave! You’ve got the movie right there. But the focus doesn’t even have to be on his days in the White House. Show him in his rough-rider days, make an action movie out of it, but a historically accurate one. A presidential biopic turned cowboy movie is exactly what will send audiences to theaters in droves.

A fervent environmentalist and hunter, he was responsible for the creation of 5 national parks, 18 national monuments, and 150 national forests, Roosevelt certainly left a lasting impact on the country.

As for who could play Roosevelt, Tom Hardy would be an excellent choice. I know that he’s not American, but neither is Day-Lewis and look how that turned out. Hardy vaguely looks the part and has played diverse enough roles that taking on Teddy Roosevelt shouldn’t be too big of a challenge for him.

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