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Your Complete Guide To Phase 3 Of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the first film franchise in history that is so large it needs to be broken up into phases. In case you need reminding, The Avengers and all the movies leading up to it make up Phase One while every movie up to Ant-Man compile Phase Two.

6) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

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When’s it out? May 5th, 2017

Who’s involved? Writer/Director James Gunn is returning, as are all the Guardians we know and love from the first film. Plus, Pom Klementieff is on board as new member Mantis and Kurt Russell as Star-Lord’s father.

What’s it about? As teased by the end of the first movie, Vol 2 will see Peter Quill united with his alien father – who Gunn has confirmed will not be J’Son as in the comics. Other than that, we also know that it won’t feature another Infinity Stone or any involvement from Thanos. Having said that, it is bound to at least partially set up Infinity War.

Verdict: Guardians of the Galaxy was famously a once risky project from Marvel, but thanks to being a hugely fun and entertaining film, its sequel is one of the most-anticipated of the studio’s upcoming movies. The return trip of Rocket, Groot, Drax et al will hopefully be just as good, if not better, than the first movie.