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The Last Reboot: What We Expect From A New Indiana Jones

Back in February, the Internet began to get very excited (as it is wont to do) about the possibility of an Indiana Jones reboot. While most fans can be expected to be skeptical about the reinvention of a beloved franchise – albeit one that did not do so well with the last installment – excitement boiled over at the prospect of the return of Indy in the person of Chris Pratt, everyone’s favorite funnyman turned sarcastic hero.


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Whichever direction the new Indiana Jones might go, we still must find someone to wear that fedora. This concerns many of us more than the reboot/sequel issue, because Indiana Jones is a cinematic icon almost of the caliber of James Bond. He’s also forever associated with the person of a dashing Harrison Ford (or, in the case of Crystal Skull, an older and somewhat bedraggled Harrison Ford). Others have played Indy already: River Phoenix is the young Jones in the opening of The Last Crusade, and Sean Patrick Flanery does the same in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. But they still grow into Harrison Ford eventually, something that the new Indy will probably never do.

Chris Pratt has already taken on the part of a Han Solo-level scoundrel in Guardians of the Galaxy, and many of the images, clips, and trailers from the upcoming Jurassic World have Pratt occupying a very Indy-ish part. Truth be told, I cannot think of another high-profile actor right now who could play Indiana Jones with the same mixture of panache, humor, and dashing good looks that Ford brought to the role. Pratt comes closest, both in look and attitude, but is also far from a Ford stand-in, which seems necessary for the part. Steven Spielberg is all in favor of Pratt too, which might make all the difference.