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Rejoice horror fans: Jordan Peele is open to make a ‘Get Out 2’

"Never say never."

via Universal Pictures

Thankfully for horror fans, Jordan Peele didn’t say the title of his new movie when asked if he’ll make a sequel to Get Out.

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The Nope director was talking to the Associated Press when the topic of a potential Get Out 2 came up. The interviewer framed the question as if he weren’t asking it: “Do you get asked a lot about a sequel to Get Out?”

“I do get asked that a lot,” Peele responded before giving fans a glimmer of hope. “Never say never. There’s certainly a lot to talk about left. We’ll see.”

After spending over a decade as a comedian, Peele made his horror and directorial debut with Get Out in 2017. The film received near-universal acclaim and was one of select few horror flicks to garner multiple Oscar nominations, with Peele winning for Best Original Screenplay. Once he followed Get Out with the critically-acclaimed Us, there was no questioning who was the new master of cinematic horror.

Now with Nope, Peele feels he’s “off to the races” not just as a horror auteur but one who, as AP put it, “grapple[s] with big societal issues.”

“I feel like I’m off to the races. I just don’t know if I could limit how many films I have that are me. I’m starting to lose sight of what I would be doing if I wasn’t doing movies like this. So I would say the project has extended.”

While keeping your eyes Peeled for Get Out 2, check out Nope, which is scheduled for release on July 22.