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Report: Tomorrow’s Captain America: Civil War Trailer Is All About Spider-Man

Marvel has been continually drip-feeding fans new information regarding Captain America: Civil War throughout the week, but tomorrow is the motherload. Earlier today, we learned that a new trailer is primed to drop online and already, the Internet is awash with rumors claiming that a certain Spider-Man will finally swing into action.


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Marvel has been continually drip-feeding fans new information regarding Captain America: Civil War throughout the week, but tomorrow is reportedly the motherload. Earlier today, we learned that a new trailer is primed to drop online and already, the Internet is awash with rumors claiming that a certain Spider-Man will finally swing into action.

Up until now, Tom Holland’s newcomer has been waiting in the wings – and rightfully so – as fans debate whether Marvel’s revised webslinger with swear allegiance to Team Iron Man or Team Cap.


As Latino-Review points out, Marvel’s marketing pizzazz has revolved around each side of Joe and Anthony Russo’s Civil War, and the personal, political and emotional history fuelling that fire. Spider-Man, then, represents the missing piece, and sources close to the production claim that tomorrow’s trailer is being referred to as the “payoff” introducing Holland’s pubescent newcomer to the fray.

For many, the writing has been on the wall ever since Marvel made the announcement earlier this morning, but this fresh wave of speculation is fascinating nonetheless. Truth be told, the studio has kept Spider-Man’s appearance under lock and key for so long that many began to wonder whether Holland’s nimble hero would ever appear during the marketing campaign. But should this tidbit prove true, that’ll all change in less than 24 hours.

Will Tom Holland’s Spidey fall under Team Iron Man or Team Cap? Check back with We Got This Covered tomorrow, March 10, when we’ll have a full rundown on the new – and likely final – trailer.

Captain America: Civil War opens on May 6.