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Ridley Scott Is Working On A Film Based On The Biblical Tale Of Moses

With Prometheus out of the way and The Counselor and the Blade Runner sequel already in production, the 74 year old director is keeping busy and looking towards future projects. While talking to Esquire, legendary director Ridley Scott revealed that he's working on a film which will tell the Biblical tale of Moses.

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With Prometheus out of the way and The Counselor and the Blade Runner sequel already in production, Ridley Scott is keeping busy and looking towards future projects.

While talking to Esquire, legendary the 74 year old director revealed that he’s working on a film which will tell the Biblical tale of Moses.

“I’ve got something else in the works. I’m already doing it. It’s called ‘Moses.’ Seriously, seriously. It’s going to happen,” he said. “I probably shouldn’t have let that slip out. I’m not supposed to say anything. It’s definitely in the cards, though. What’s interesting to me about Moses isn’t the big stuff that everybody knows. It’s things like his relationship with Ramses [II, the pharaoh]. I honestly wasn’t paying attention in school when I was told the story of Moses. Some of the details of his life are extraordinary.”

Currently, both Warner Bros. and FOX have Moses films in development. Warner Bros. has Gods and Kings with Steven Spielberg attached to direct so I think it’s safe to assume that Scott is going to be helming the FOX pic, especially since they’re backing both Prometheus and his upcoming film The Counselor.

No word yet on story details or casting but nevertheless, this should be a very interesting film. The tale of Moses seems like something that is right up his alley and honestly, I think he’s the perfect director to tell such an epic story.

Aside from being one of the best directors currently working in Hollywood, Scott has a lot of experience with these types of films. Kingdom Of Heaven and Gladiator immediately come to mind and having loved both of those, I’m seriously excited to see what Scott gives us with such a fantastic story like the one of Moses.

On another note, aside from Spielberg and Scott’s projects, there’s another Biblical epic in development, Darren Aronofsky‘s Noah, which is another high profile film that will surely create quite a stir.

This year may have been the battle of the Snow White’s but now that that’s over, I think we’re about to see the battle of the Biblical epics.