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7 Movies People Find Romantic But Are Actually Depressing

With Valentine’s Day comes every movie websites lists of Best Movies About Love, Most Romantic Movies Ever, Best Movies To Watch On Valentine’s, and then of course the accompanying lists to balance all this out, like Best Movies For Singles On Valentine’s Day and the like. Mostly though, we get to read and hear about the same movies year after year. And it’s sweet, and these movies are fun enough and awaken certain emotions that are expressed in a healthy way so long as we recognize the artifice of the thing that’s arousing them. And sometimes we’ll get a few movies earning mention that are legitimately and wholly lovely and romantic and heartwarming.

2) P.S. I Love You

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Full disclosure: I have not seen this movie. It creeps me out. Everything about it is creepy. The poster, the premise, the performers. Here’s what I know about it based on what I gathered from its promotional campaign around the time of its release, and the Wikipedia summary which I have read out of some sick curiosity several times.

It’s about this girl, whose husband dies. Drag. She’s getting on well enough until years letter she starts getting little notes from the dead husband, telling her to do things. That sounds messed up, but then his ghost notes convince her to go to Ireland, his home country, where she meets a guy who reminds her of dead husband probably because they’re both Irish, and she hooks up with him only to find out later that husband and new Irish guy were friends. She then starts designing shoes and all is well.

Maybe people who have seen the movie can correct me, but does this not all sound awful? For so many reasons? I know it sucks that she lost her husband; on the plus side, she didn’t heartbreak herself to death like in The Notebook so get busy living, girl! And what’s with the dead husband insisting on haunting her? He was apparently so possessive of her in life that he had to continue to bother her after death. Let her move on, dude. None of this sounds romantic to me, but just kind of offensive.