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Ryan Reynolds needs to resurrect the entire ‘original MCU’ universe in ‘Deadpool 3’ or fans will have his head

Good luck getting out of this one, Reynolds.

Shocked Deadpool
Image via 20th Century Fox

Expectations for Deadpool 3 were already sky-high, with Hugh Jackman’s announced return to the role of Wolverine being the biggest motivator for fans to fill theaters. Now, though, the bar is once again being raised, as rumors surrounding a possible X-Men takeover catch fire online.

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Just the thought of Ryan Reynolds bringing back Halle Berry as Storm, James Marsden as Cyclops, and Famke Janssen as Jean Grey is enough to send fans into overdrive, but why stop there? What the audience wants more than ever is to see all of the actors that gave life to Marvel heroes in the early 2000s make appearances in the Deadpool threequel. Of course, the integration of 20th Century Fox’s X-Men characters into the current MCU is something viewers have been requesting for a long time now, and the lack of official confirmation isn’t enough to curb their excitement at the prospect.

While it’s natural for fans to get their hopes up, this situation may very well end in disaster if the rumors don’t prove to be true. Characters like Professor X and the Fantastic Four team are indisputable fan favorites, which means there’s a lot of pressure riding on Ryan Reynolds’ shoulders to do right by the Fox universe in Deadpool 3. Should he fail to deliver on this, there will likely be some very disappointed viewers.

All things considered, fans might be setting themselves up for failure by putting all their apples in this basket, and deeming Reynolds as the MCU’s savior. Yes, he’s done a stellar job on the Deadpool movies thus far, but it’s never too late to fall from grace — especially when fans get ready to hold you accountable for promises you never even made.