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Sam Wilson’s Captain America being sidelined in favor of ‘The Incredible Hulk 2’ causes widespread bemusement

'The Incredible Hulk: New World Order.'

via Marvel Studios

Legally, Marvel Studios can’t make a direct sequel to The Incredible Hulk without partnering up with Universal, who still own the distribution rights to the character. However, there’s nothing that says Kevin Feige can’t continue on the story from Louis Leterrier’s 2008 blockbuster in an entirely different movie, but nobody expected it to be Captain America: New World Order.

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It’s never a good look for any project when the attention is being lavished on what it isn’t as opposed to what it actually is, and the reactions have ranged from amusement to incredulity after it was confirmed that Liv Tyler would be the next long-absent star to end their MCU exile, joining co-star Tim Blake Nelson in returning to the fold.

However, that’s pushed Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson even further from the front of the discourse, which is hardly ideal when there’s already enough pressure on his shoulders as it is following in the footsteps of Chris Evans, who wore the star-spangled costume with distinction for a decade and headlined a multi-billion dollar trilogy.

Obviously, we’re not expecting Captain America to play a bit part in his own solo adventure, but Marvel is going to have to remind people that it isn’t called The Incredible Hulk: New World Order. With Thaddeus Ross, Betty Ross, and the Leader involved, we’re getting three returning faces from what was once the MCU’s most forgotten film in the same feature for the first time since it first hit theaters, and we wouldn’t rule out an appearance from Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner at this stage, either.