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Satisfaction Guaranteed: The 10 Best Comeuppances In Cinema

There is a very simple reason for the high level of enjoyment that comes from watching a great cinematic comeuppance – it affords us the kind of satisfaction we rarely find in life. Who hasn’t found themselves up against the sort of arch-nemesis that belongs on the silver screen? In every audience-member’s own narrative, there is an embodiment of cold, calculating evil – plotting the demise of the more sympathetic and heroic characters in that personal story.

Cruel Intentions (1999)

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Cruel Intentions Journal

In this modern take on the classic Les Liaisons Dangereuses, a tale is weaved of such horrid and callous manipulations that the inevitable comeuppance needs to be seismic in nature, but fitting the tone of the piece. The two leads – Kathryn (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Sebastian (Ryan Phillippe) are both despicable creatures – ruining the lives of others for their own privileged amusement. They both have comeuppances heading their way, but for Sebastian, this is something of a redemptive episode – sacrificing himself to save his loved one.

The greatest comeuppance is reserved for Kathryn – a young woman who has carefully constructed a public reputation as a perfect student, daughter and friend. This outward façade masks the truth, however – which is that she is an evil, cold, drug-addicted bully who bears the responsibility for untold damage, and ultimately, the death of her step-brother, Sebastian.

It is at his funeral that her misleading persona is ripped away from her, as she begins to deliver a eulogy designed to paint her as a saint, but finds her peers walking out of the church during its delivery. Following them out, she finds Annette – the innocent object of her scheming, and the loved one for whom Sebastian died – handing out copies of Sebastian’s journal, which details the ‘real’ Kathryn for all to see.