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Go Behind The Scenes Of Skyfall With This B-Roll Footage

Just a couple of days ago, we brought you some fascinating B-roll footage of the upcoming epic Cloud Atlas that gave you a look behind the scenes of filming. Well, apparently it's becoming a bit of a trend as today, thanks to /Film, we know have B-roll footage from the latest James Bond outing, Skyfall.

Just a couple of days ago, we brought you some fascinating B-roll footage of the upcoming epic Cloud Atlas that gave you a look behind the scenes of filming. Well, apparently it’s becoming a bit of a trend as today, thanks to /Film, we now have about 17 minutes worth of B-roll footage from the latest James Bond outing, Skyfall.

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Like the previous B-roll, we get a great look at certain scenes being filmed, which again leads me to issue the same warning as last time. Since footage is taken from all throughout the film, if you want to go in knowing as little as possible, you may want to wait until after you’ve seen the film to check these out.

As if you need any more reason to be excited about the film, the first reactions have been pouring in on Rotten Tomatoes, giving it a 97% approval with a score of 8.3/10 based on 29 reviews. Looks like Bond may have gotten back on track. Luckily we don’t have to wait too much longer before it opens.

Skyfall arrives in theaters in the UK on October 26th and in the US on November 9th (November 8th in IMAX).

Check out the B-roll footage below and let us know what you think in the comments.

(Please note that roll 4 is missing because it was the same as roll 3.)