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Scorching hot Marvel take argues the MCU should have ended with ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’

You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who agrees with this take.

Three Spideys unite in Spider-Man: No Way Home
Image via Marvel Studios

Whilst there’s no denying that Marvel movies have had a dip in quality as of late, some fans are just about done with the franchise with one even making the bold claim that the MCU would have been better off ending with Spider-Man: No Way Home.

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That’s quite a spicy take! The user in the Marvel Studios subreddit went on to say that Far From Home wasn’t a necessary addition and that No Way Home was perfect as an epilogue. Whilst we can see where the user is coming from, there’s still plenty of good in the MCU and there’s time for Kevin Feige to turn things around.

Naturally, many others on the subreddit disagreed with the post; the replies got a little heated, so grab some popcorn and check out the post yourself if you want to kill 10 minutes. The main counter-argument from fans was that, story-wise, No Way Home would not have made sense as a finale. True, it would have been one of the weirdest places to call it quits, especially when Endgame wrapped up most of the plot points from in the first decade of the MCU in a neat bow two years prior.

byu/Lord_Seacows from discussion

Others pointed out that Disney is in fact a company driven by profit, so why would they stop making movies that rake in billions in profit every year?

byu/Lord_Seacows from discussion

Of course, there was nothing to stop OP from ignoring the rest of the MCU beyond Spider-Man’s latest on-screen adventure.

byu/Lord_Seacows from discussion

But then again, there’s nothing to stop those in the comments from ignoring OP’s take altogether and not taking the bait.

Some did take the bait and humored the idea, but pointed out all of the things audiences would have missed out on if Disney had decided not to continue making Marvel films. Whilst others were willing to give the new phase a chance, pointing out that the MCU was far from perfect when it started initially.

byu/Lord_Seacows from discussion

Out of the dozens of replies, there was only one who agreed with the OP’s take. 

byu/Lord_Seacows from discussion

It seems fair to say that this is a pretty unpopular take. Whilst the MCU has been floundering as of late, there’s no reason to think that the heads at Marvel Studios don’t have some kind of plan to turn things around. Audiences just need to be patient, the studio has delayed projects coming out next year and have shown signs that they are taking their time on upcoming titles. 

Eventually, the MCU will come to an end and it likely won’t go out with a bang either. Disney will make Marvel films until they stop pulling audiences. Whilst we have faith that the team behind the MCU can turn it around, if this is the beginning of the end — then so be it.