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Sebastian Stan Targeted By Cancel Culture Following Racism Accusations

Barely a day goes by without the wrath of cancel culture being pointed in the direction of a well-known public figure, and now it's the turn of Sebastian Stan. Very recently the actor has been receiving a lot of praise online from fans thanks to his performance in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, as well as his wholesome bromance with Anthony Mackie and generally self-effacing personality, but the tables have turned on a dime as they're wont to do.


Here we go again.

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Barely a day goes by without the wrath of cancel culture being pointed in the direction of a well-known public figure, and now it’s the turn of Sebastian Stan. Very recently the actor has been receiving a lot of praise online from fans thanks to his performance in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, as well as his wholesome bromance with Anthony Mackie and generally self-effacing personality, but the tables have turned on a dime as they’re wont to do.

The actor was actually trending a couple of days back when the #RIPSebastianStan hashtag led people to think he might have died, but it’s actually all about a social media post he liked that’s been construed as an endorsement of racist behavior. Needless to say, Twitter had plenty of thoughts on the matter in the immediate aftermath, and you can check out some of the reactions below.






This isn’t the first time the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Bucky Barnes has faced calls for his head, although the last instance was because of comments made by his girlfriend and not the man himself. In any case, Stan is the latest name associated with the world’s biggest franchise to find themself in the crosshairs of cancel culture, with Chris Pratt a repeated target along with Elizabeth Olsen and Mark Ruffalo, while Jeremy Renner has also been caught up in it more than once.

Is this going to have any effect on Sebastian Stan‘s life, career or future, though? Of course not, because these sort of things rarely do, and it’ll no doubt be back to business as usual this time next week when the whole storm blows over.