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Sebastian Stan Teases Cap And Bucky’s Relationship In Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War is getting closer and closer, meaning more and more info is coming our way as the weeks go on. A few days ago, for instance, various set reports went live, giving us a whole host of new details to analyze. One such juicy morsel was an interesting scene breakdown of a key sequence from the movie: the moment where several of Earth's Mightiest Heroes reunite in Wakanda.

Avengers: Infinity War is getting closer and closer, meaning more and more info is coming our way as the weeks go on. A few days ago, for instance, various set reports went live, giving us a whole host of new details to analyze. One such juicy morsel was an interesting scene breakdown of a key sequence from the movie: the moment where several of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes reunite in Wakanda.

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As we know, the African nation will be the setting for the big third act of the event film, as it’s been designated as the site for a battle with Thanos’ forces, as the Mad Titan attempts to get his hands on the Mind Stone lodged in Vision’s head. When this scene begins, Captain America, Black Widow, Falcon and the Scarlet Witch have just arrived in Wakanda via a Quinjet. Vision, specifically, is in bad shape, as he’s been attacked by the Black Order.

From here, the tone lightens, though, as century-long best buds Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes meet for the first time since the latter was put on ice at the end of Captain America: Civil War. It’s a reunion that fans have been long anticipating and when ET sat down with Sebastian Stan for a recent interview, they asked him about it.

The actor was careful to not spill too much, but did touch on the relationship between the two characters, saying that it’s in a good spot right now.

“I think the relationship is in a good spot. It’s interesting, actually. Because in life, friendships develop and change. And sometimes you can know someone for 15-20 years but people change and sometimes they go on different paths. And those two have certainly known each other for a long time, and they have a lot in common and a bond. But they’ve each had a lot of separate life experiences.

So while they do remain close, it’s interesting to think about that they’ve actually become different people than how they started out [and] how that affects their relationship is always a good question.”

Bucky Barnes and Captain America

So, once again, Stan’s keeping things purposefully vague here, but no matter what might be in store for Bucky and Cap, we’re certainly looking forward to seeing them in action next month. Especially the former Winter Soldier.

He’s been bent, bruised, broken and battered to within an inch of his life, but make no mistake about it, come Avengers: Infinity War, Bucky Barnes will receive a new lease of life – quite literally – which is just as well considering Thanos and his Black Order are now looming on the horizon.

Speaking of which, as we already know, Sebastian Stan’s Avenger will be charging into battle alongside T’Challa, and that new golden arm will likely come in handy when it comes to battling the many Outriders bearing down on Wakanda. Expect Avengers: Infinity War to zoom into theaters on April 27th.