4) She’ll Have A Secret Identity
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has famously never had any time for secret identities, but the DCEU by contrast looks to be embracing this classic superhero trope. After Supes and Bats dealt with everyday alter-egos in previous films, the trailer reveals that Wonder Woman will also be operating under a secret identity of sorts. We know this because when Steve meets his commanding officers with Diana, he lies that she’s his secretary.
This could be a one-off joke, but as we later see Diana following Steve around the city and trying on dresses with Steve’s actual secretary, Etta Candy, it seems the film will devote at least some time to seeing Diana pretend to be a regular woman. Probably not very successfully, though.
This also looks to be another instance of the movie harking back to the Golden Age, where Diana was infamously only allowed to be the secretary of the Justice League.