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Sequel Off: Which Die Hard Sequel Is The Best Of The Bunch?

Round IV: The Action

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Now we come to arguably the most important part. These are action films, after all, and the quality of the set-pieces is a crucial element to consider. All three Die Hard sequels succeed quite satisfyingly in this category, and it is, therefore, a tough round to call.

As usual, I think we can rule out Die Hard 2 right off the bat. While I enjoy the action scenes in this film – the final fight on the plane is an excellent climax – Renny Harlin’s sense of pace and momentum is dramatically inferior to what other series directors achieved. The film’s set pieces may be its brightest moments, but that does not mean the action stacks up to what movies 3 and 4 have to offer.

Indeed, both Die Hard With a Vengeance and Live Free or Die Hard are expertly made thrill-rides, each featuring fights, shootouts, and set pieces unique from one another, or even from the original film. The third movie is defined by some exquisite, goofy car chases and lots of madcap stunts – including McClane and Carver’s extremely painful jump onto Gruber’s boat – while Live Free or Die Hard is all about big-budget spectacle.

Some have argued that the latter’s penchant for over-the-top action-movie heroics stops it from feeling entirely like a Die Hard movie, but I respectfully disagree. While it is true that film 4 takes McClane further away from his ‘normal guy’ roots than ever before, I have always appreciated Len Wiseman’s efforts to center each action sequence around McClane’s core skills: Resilience and resourcefulness. John gets wrapped up in some huge, death-defying mayhem, but he does not suddenly become a superhero; he still takes a beating each time his life is at risk, still only escapes by the skin of his teeth, and always come out on top thanks to his wit and quick-thinking. Those are the core traits of any Die Hard action sequence, and in the fourth film, those ideas are simply blown up to ridiculous proportions.

I, for one, like that. Die Hard films have always been ridiculous, ever since McClane jumped off the roof of Nakatomi Plaza using nothing more than a fire-hose for support, and Live Free or Die Hard ups the ante without betraying the central character. Coupled with the best action direction of the sequels, that gives the fourth film a slight edge in my book, even though I am sure many readers will strongly disagree. 

The Winner: Live Free or Die Hard

Current Score: 0-2-2

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