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Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows Plot Details And New Photos

After the release of a couple Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows posters last week, we now have brand new photos and plot details. This all arrives just in time to prepare us for the film's first trailer, which will surface online this week and in theatres on Friday with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

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After the release of a couple Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows posters last week, we now have brand new photos and plot details. This all arrives just in time to prepare us for the film’s first trailer, which will surface online this week and in theatres on Friday with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

The film will focus on Holmes and Watson as they follow Moriarty’s murderous trail. Along for the ride is Holmes’ older brother, Mycroft (Stephen Fry), and a Gypsy named Sim (Noomi Rapace). Inspiration for the film’s story is said to come from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Final Problem.

“Moriarty is one of the most famous villains of all time. But we didn’t want to make him a conventional character. The challenge was to still make him modern, believable,” said director Guy Ritchie.

Honestly, I didn’t really enjoy Sherlock Holmes. I thought the performances were alright but as a whole, the film didn’t manage to impress me. And it’s a shame, because I expected a lot from it. Seeing as Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows has essentially the same team behind it that was responsible for the first one, I’m really not that interested in seeing it.

It will likely be similar in style and tone to the first one which is why I’m as of now, turned off. The original’s plot was a bit silly and while Downey Jr. is a fine actor, I didn’t fully buy him in the lead role. The entire film just didn’t feel faithful to the source material and for fans of the character, that’s a turn off.

Ritchie’s subtle hints at Holmes and Watson’s relationship being homosexual felt awkward and his vision for the characters just didn’t feel natural or authentic. He instead goes for a crowd pleasing Holmes, doing away with the one that Arthur Conan Doyle created.

The first film was a failed attempt at bringing the character to a new generation and I think Ritchie massivley missed the mark.

Will I give this one a chance? Possibly, but as of now, I’ll remain skeptical.