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The single most important object in the MCU should be kept at arm’s length from the Multiverse Saga

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Marvel Cinematic Universe MCU
Image via Marvel Studios

With any iconic weapons in any franchise, there is always the risk of their overuse and exposure. It is why some people are tired of Jedi and their lightsabers in Star Wars and now why fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first saga are not interested in the MacGuffin which fueled it popping back in.

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As of this story’s filing, the above discussion on Reddit is burning up with discourse over whether the stones could be used again and if Adam Warlock — who has a very prominent part in the original story they are a part of in the comics — could get a chance to shine with them given how some feel he was underutilized in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. The top remarks say Marvel is likely done with them given how Loki showed their lack of usefulness and for a different user, it could be a means of last resort later.

byu/BenSolo_Cup from discussion

Others say they are excited for new characters and not material plot devices. Most are hoping the X-Men and their debut also allows for a new frontier far away from the grand scale of earlier franchise-wide threats and, for one fan of the art, the stones’ return should be punted to the backwater of Disney Plus.

byu/BenSolo_Cup from discussion

Of course, what will ultimately happen remains to be seen. For now, all of the stones are hidden away in their original locations (while still having the backstory James Gunn admitted he pulled out of his butt), and, what exactly happened to the original gauntlet used to house them by Thanos or the one made by Tony Stark to set things right and return those who had gone is a bit unclear as of this story being filed.