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Solo Star Alden Ehrenreich Wants An Old Republic Spinoff Film

Solo: A Star Wars Story star Alden Ehrenreich talks about what direction he wants the franchise to go in after the film's release.

As the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story approaches, the discussion over where the franchise could go afterwards continues to grow.

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Recently, young Han Solo himself, Alden Ehrenreich, managed to put his own two cents in. In an interview with CinemaBlend, the actor said he’d love to see them revisit the era of the Old Republic and more specifically, have them focus on the scouts from that era.

“When I was learning about this, there’s something called scouts, which is early days of the Republic, there were scouts whose job it was to basically go, they were like settlers. They were pioneers. They would go to unknown planets and learn about them and learn about these various planets. That seemed like a very interesting part of this world.”

For those of you who don’t know, the Old Republic is an era depicted in a series of video games known as Knights Of The Old Republic. The release of the first game was back in 2003 and the latest entry in the series came out in 2016.

While it’s nice that Ehrenreich has taken an interest in this particular period of the franchise’s history and in Star Wars in general, who knows whether fans feel the same way. After all, those that aren’t familiar with the Old Republic era may not be interested in taking a journey through it.

Not to mention there’s already an Obi-Wan spinoff in the pipeline as well a new trilogy from Rian Johnson and Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. Plus, there’s that proposed Lando solo movie that’ll probably happen soon, too. So who knows whether Lucasfilm will want to fit an Old Republic pic into their schedule? That being said, it’d certainly be an interesting way to go beyond the Skywalker Saga. After all, they’re working with a galaxy far, far away which has a limitless amount of stories that they can bring to life.

What do you guys think, though? Would you like to see a spinoff film depicting the Old Republic, or are you more excited about the projects that are currently in the pipeline? And where do you want to see the franchise go after Solo: A Star Wars Story? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below.