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Solo: A Star Wars Story Director Ron Howard Responds To Fan Campaign For Sequel

In terms of numbers, Solo: A Star Wars Story will go down as the least successful entry in the Lucasfilm saga ever but the fans that do love the prequel starring Alden Ehrenreich really love it. As proven by the #MakeSolo2Happen campaign that trended on social media yesterday in honor of the anniversary of the movie's release in May 2018. 

In terms of numbers, Solo: A Star Wars Story will go down as the least successful entry in the Lucasfilm saga ever, but the fans that do love the prequel starring Alden Ehrenreich really love it. That’s pretty evident thanks to the #MakeSolo2Happen campaign that trended on social media yesterday in honor of the anniversary of the movie’s release in May 2018.

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And it seems director Ron Howard is touched by the love for his corner of the Star Wars galaxy. The filmmaker retweeted one account’s photo of a group of fans wearing #MakeSolo2Happen shirts and shared it with a smiley face, a brief reaction that tells us he’s grateful for the campaign.

Howard was hired to helm Solo after the much-publicized firing of original directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller. After all that bad publicity, though, he managed to pull the final product together to earn generally warm, though not glowing, reviews. The only problem was that, for whatever combination of reasons, wider audiences just weren’t interested and it flopped hard at the box office.

Because of that, despite the diehard Solo fans’ campaign, it seems unlikely that Disney would consider releasing another movie about Han Solo’s early days. Especially as Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy has openly admitted that they made a mistake with dropping the movie so close to The Last Jedi, resulting in talk of franchise fatigue – even from Star Wars legend Mark Hamill.

However, there might be some good news amongst the bad. Reports say that Lucasfilm may be moving their spinoff plans to Disney Plus and making them into TV shows instead. What would have been Solo 2 could morph into a mini-series or two on the streaming service. Hopefully including more from Maul, after his tantalizing cameo at the end of the movie.

Are you a supporter of the Solo: A Star Wars Story sequel campaign though like Ron Howard is? Let us know in the comments section down below.