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Sony Thought It Was Too Soon To Have Holland, Maguire And Garfield In Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was an enormous hit for Sony. It's acclaimed by fans and critics alike and even received a rare Oscar win for a superhero movie. If Spidey lovers had one criticism, though, it would be that it didn't include a cameo from at least one of the live-action wall-crawlers, just to really cement the concept that the Spider-Verse encompasses every version of the character.


Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was an enormous hit for Sony. It’s acclaimed by fans and critics alike and even received a rare Oscar win for a superhero movie. If Spidey lovers had one criticism, though, it would be that it didn’t include a cameo from at least one of the live-action wall-crawlers, just to really cement the concept that the Spider-Verse encompasses every version of the character.

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Co-writer and producer Christopher Miller, has recently revealed, however, that there were plans for not just one or two but all three live-action Spideys to swing by the flick in what would’ve been an epic post-credits scene. However, it was Sony execs who vetoed the idea, feeling that it was “too soon” to drop Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire into the mix.

It’s known that a different concept behind the live-action Spideys cameoing was also considered, as Holland himself has explained that he was supposed to have a literal walk-on part where he briefly encountered Miles Morales (Shameik Moore). Again, though, this was cut. Likewise, Jake Johnson’s Peter B. Parker was almost Maguire’s version at an early stage in the process.

Miller doesn’t confirm this, but Sony believing it was “too soon” to introduce Holland and company certainly suggests they aren’t dismissing the idea outright but are holding off on it for a future movie instead. Which, fair enough, does make sense. You want the sequel to have a fresh new hook and treats for the fans. So, can we expect to meet cartoon takes on the Raimi, Webb and MCU web-slingers in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2? Keep your fingers crossed.