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Spider-Man: Homecoming Director Confirms The Involvement Of Damage Control

After this morning's release of yet another awesome trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming, it seems like the floodgates have been reopened for more news pertaining to the wallcrawler's solo debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And, to be frank, none of us are complaining.

After this morning’s release of yet another awesome trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming, it seems like the floodgates have been reopened for more news pertaining to the wallcrawler’s solo debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And, to be frank, none of us are complaining.

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One detail that has since been brought to light is that Michael Keaton’s character of Adrian Toomes/the Vulture spends his time rounding up technology left lying around after the Avengers engage in their bigger battles, most notably the one in New York involving the Chitauri.

Not surprisingly, Tony Stark will be there to stand in his way as both a superhero and a businessman, and director Jon Watts told Fandango in what capacity that’ll be:

“Damage Control, yes. That’s from the comics.”

Yes, Damage Control, the same group from the comic books that act as cleanup after superheroes and supervillains are through doing their thing in densely populated areas. If that sounds familiar, it should, because that was similar to the original premise of NBC’s sitcom Powerless before they radically retooled and made a fumbling attempt to connect their series to Batman, whom will never show up.

Watts elaborated further on bringing this new perspective to the MCU:

“Yeah, possibly. For me, in thinking about this movie, it just fit in with our overall philosophy with the kind of story we wanted to tell. In the same way that Peter gives us the ground level view of what it’s like to be a 15-year-old kid in a New York City that was almost destroyed by aliens before the Avengers showed up. You also wonder after all those huge messes are made, who’s sent in to clean up? Is it the normal people who would be hired to do something like that? Does it become a government operation? Is it dangerous? What do you do with all the alien body parts that you find? I really like asking those practical questions about this world, and then using that to drive the story.”

Spider-Man: Homecoming arrives in theaters on July 7.