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Spider-Man: No Way Home Fans Roasting Sony For “Lazy” New Poster

In typical internet fashion, the online community had spent hours getting hyped up for a potentially major announcement regarding Spider-Man: No Way Home, which turned out to be a brand new poster for next month's multiversal Marvel Cinematic Universe blockbuster.

In typical internet fashion, the online community had spent hours getting hyped up for a potentially major announcement regarding Spider-Man: No Way Home, which turned out to be a brand new poster for next month’s multiversal Marvel Cinematic Universe blockbuster.

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In 99% of cases, you’d think that would be enough to satiate them for the next 24 hours until what might very well be the most highly-anticipated trailer in history arrives, right? Wrong! From almost the second the one-sheet landed online, Sony have been coming under fire for the uninspired design, and you can see some of the reactions below.


Admittedly, the naysayers do have a point. It’s exactly the same crop of Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin placed in an almost identical position, while Doctor Octopus’ tentacles were the focal point in the foreground of the first poster, too. Let’s hope Sony’s design team didn’t have to work overtime on this one, because a quick browse through Twitter and you’ll find at least a dozen superior fan-made versions in no time at all.

On the plus side, at least the second full-length promo is being made available for one and all tomorrow, which should tide over the Spider-Man: No Way Home diehards for at least a little while longer. In theory, anyway.