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Star Trek Into Darkness Gets First Teaser Trailer

The first teaser trailer for next year's Star Trek Into Darkness has finally been released online today. After the incredible success of 2009's Star Trek reboot, there are big things expected of J.J. Abrams' sequel and it's almost guaranteed to be as big a hit as its predecessor. While Abrams hasn't given much away in terms of plot thus far, details are slowly being revealed. Earlier this week of course we caught a glimpse of the movie's first poster, which you can check out below.

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The first teaser trailer for next year’s Star Trek Into Darkness has finally been released online today. After the incredible success of 2009’s Star Trek reboot, there are big things expected of J.J. Abrams’ sequel and it’s almost guaranteed to be as big a hit as its predecessor. While Abrams hasn’t given much away in terms of plot thus far, details are slowly being revealed. Earlier this week of course we caught a glimpse of the movie’s first poster, which you can check out below.

There was also a very vague synopsis released which didn’t give away a great deal but offered just enough to start online rumour mills going:

“When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis.

With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction.

As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.”

Today, however, Trek excitement went into overdrive when the first teaser trailer was released online in all its destructive glory. With Benedict Cumberbatch‘s arch-villain front and centre of the minute long sneak peek, the trailer is full of ominously worried looking Starfleet personnel and some rather hefty structural damage being inflicted.

There’s a real sense of danger and fear throughout the trailer, helped in no small part by Cumberbatch’s doom-laden voiceover. Star Trek Into Darkness is scheduled to arrive in both regular 2D and glorious IMAX on the 17th May 2013 and after watching this trailer, I think we can consider that date circled in many a film lover’s calender.

You can check out the trailer below: