What was once a hollow cinematic dream has transformed into a very exciting future for the DC Universe, the upcoming franchise reboot spearheaded by comic book film extraordinaire James Gunn that seems all but ready to challenge the Marvel Cinematic Universe for its place atop the peak of popular genre fiction.
But the one ingredient that still seems to be missing, and understandably so considering no projects have been released yet, is star power. Indeed, considering Marvel seems to have contracted every big name under the sun at this point, this is one area that DC may always be playing catch-up in.
Luckily, the DC fandom stands at the ready to pitch their best candidates at a moment’s notice, and one of r/DC_Cinematic’s prime choices is Daisy Ridley, the driving force behind the Star Wars sequel trilogy’s Rey Skywalker, and who is long overdue for a franchise role that does her talent the proper justice.
With ZoĆ« Kravitz filling Selina Kyle’s shoes in the Elseworlds department, Gunn’s mainline DC Universe will be in need of a Catwoman before long, and responders were certainly receptive to Ridley being the answer to that particular question.
Zatanna’s name popped up quite a bit as well, but we think this has less to do with Ridley’s potential in the role and more to do with the fact that every female actress is mandated by law to be fancast as Zatanna at some point.
From there, it was a free-for-all.
Twenty years from now, we could very well see the entirety of Hollywood get split right down the middle, with one half of the world’s stars representing Marvel, and the other half representing DC, both of them playing their part in the never-ending superhero box office war while Leonardo DiCaprio and his band of rebels quietly go to work on their next Oscars campaign.
We’re not sure where Ridley would show up in this particular dystopian entertainment scenario; all we’re saying is that DC’s quest for star power has to start somewhere.