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8 Star Wars Books That Every Force Awakens Fan Must Read

Most casual Star Wars fans don't think of the series' books as being an essential part of the story. These novels, they assume, are essentially glorified fan-fiction rushed onto store shelves in order to cash in on the success of the movies. Besides, even if a person hypothetically wanted to become immersed in this expanded universe, where would they start? Over 200 Star Wars books have been published throughout the past several decades. Talk about impenetrable, huh?

5) Before The Awakening

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Before the Awakening

Another one written by Greg Rucka, Before the Awakening is an anthology told from the point of view of Finn, Rey and Poe Dameron during the events leading up to The Force Awakens. It’s marketed as being intended for ages eight to twelve, which may drive away some adult fans, but it does boast a surprising amount of insight into these three protagonists.

The clear highlight is Finn’s story, which elaborates on his time with the First Order and makes his face-turn on Jakku far less abrupt. Though we’re told in The Force Awakens that he previously showed no signs of nonconformity, the attack on Jakku was hardly his first time doubting the First Order.


Before the Awakening paints a portrait of a deeply uncertain soldier who had already refused to kill civilians a few times; it’s just that nobody really noticed until Episode VII. Finn’s story leads right into The Force Awakens, ending as the stormtroopers arrive at Lor San Tekka’s village.

Unfortunately, Rey’s story is not as engaging, as she spends most if it hanging around Jakku and gathering parts for Unkar Plutt. Still, some elements of her personality are revealed that were not delved into in the film, such as her technology skills and her deep-seated passion for flying. On a plot level, it’s not entirely necessary, but we do leave with a greater understanding of this girl than we had before.

Finally, Poe Dameron’s section offers additional information about the Republic, going into what happened to the Empire following the Battle of Jakku. We also discover that Poe is growing extremely frustrated with the Republic, worrying that they are not taking the threat of the First Order seriously.

Before the Awakening can be completed in one or two sittings and sheds light on character motivations, so although this is not imperative to the overall story, it still has value in its own way.