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8 Star Wars Books That Every Force Awakens Fan Must Read

Most casual Star Wars fans don't think of the series' books as being an essential part of the story. These novels, they assume, are essentially glorified fan-fiction rushed onto store shelves in order to cash in on the success of the movies. Besides, even if a person hypothetically wanted to become immersed in this expanded universe, where would they start? Over 200 Star Wars books have been published throughout the past several decades. Talk about impenetrable, huh?

2) Aftermath: Life Debt

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Star Wars Aftermath Life Debt

Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath was actually the beginning of a trilogy that will continue this July with Aftermath: Life Debt. As indicated by the front cover, the sequel will follow up on that wonderful interlude chapter from the original book, as Han and Chewie set off on a mission to liberate Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld.

The new characters from the first installment will be back, though, which might be good news or terrible news depending on which side of the Aftermath debate you fall on. Norra, Sinjir and Jas join Han and Chewie on their mission to Kashyyyk, while Leia Organa and the New Republic attempt to foster peace with the remaining Imperial leadership.


Perhaps the biggest unanswered question going into the book is the identity of that mysterious Grand Admiral from Aftermath‘s final chapter. We know very little about him other than the fact that he’s calculating and loves classical music, and he essentially orchestrated the Battle of Akiva by manipulating both sides from behind the scenes.

Fans are running wild with theories, as some claim this man is Supreme Leader Snoke while others think he might be Thrawn from the old canon. It’s anyone’s guess at this point, but we may finally get our answer in Life Debt, as the plot synopsis states that Rae Sloane grows “increasingly wary of the mysterious fleet admiral.”

Hopefully Life Debt has a bit more of an impact on the overall story than Aftermath did, but even if it’s just a fun Han and Chewie adventure, it should be an enjoyable summer read.