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‘Star Wars’ fans bring up Padmé’s bed, and the results are surprisingly wholesome

What size is the popular senator's bed?

Padmé Amidala
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

On the internet, one might expect any conversation of a woman’s bedroom to go in unsavory directions, but Reddit is proving that theory wrong. A recent post to the site takes aim at Star Wars character Padmé Amidala’s bed, and the resulting conversation is surprisingly wholesome.

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The conversation about the former Queen of Naboo’s sleeping situation was sparked by user CatExcellent6390, who posted their ponderings to the official Star Wars subreddit with a simple question, asking “what size is Padmé’s bed?”

The denizens of the web were quick to respond, but not in the way one might expect. Rather than drown the post in dirty jokes and thirsty predictions, users began dissecting the set of included pictures, which include a computer-generated view of her tidy sleeping arrangement, as well as a shot of Padmé sleeping on a deeply uncomfortable-looking pillow.

This pillow was the first thing to catch users’ eyes. They pounced on its strange shape with enthusiasm, noting that the former Queen’s neck is “at a 90-degree angle.”

“Real question is how can she sleep with the solid round pillow,” user dayburner wondered. “Her neck has to be killing her.”

The conversation about style vs comfort maintains at the top of the thread, beating out silly dad jokes and pun-heavy one-liners in the interest of actually debating what the Star Wars set designers were thinking. The most amusing section of the post lives a bit deeper in the comment section, where users actually began answering the question in mind — what size of bed does Padmé sleep in?

The answer to this question is simple if you trust the hordes of responders in the post’s comment section. Clearly, as the former Queen of Naboo, Padmé sleeps in a queen-sized bed. It’s only logical.

But the wordplay didn’t stop there. Users began to point out that bed size is actually a great way to differentiate between Queen Amidala and her decoy. Because, obviously, the real Padmé sleeps in her queen-sized bed, and leaves her decoy to sleep in a double bed. Get it? Because she’s a body double.

From there, the bed puns kept coming. Commenters couldn’t help but point out that, while Padmé is enjoying her queen-sized bed, it only makes sense that Luke and Leia sleep in a set of twin beds. When she was pregnant, however, a number of commenters predict that Padmé switched set-ups, instead enjoying a full bed. Several people even managed to worm in-jokes about the bedroom and Anakin’s Jedi status, pondering whether Anakin managed to at least enjoy his sleep in a master bedroom, despite being denied Jedi Master status.

The post is an absolute goldmine of goofy Star Wars jokes, and users are eating it up. Jokes about “Kamino king” sized beds and the fact that “we know that it’s not pull-out” absolutely litter the comment section. Fans of the films found every opportunity to twist their favorite quotes to match the situation and found surprising success in doing so. One even managed to shove in a joke about the Sith, noting the “bed sized for only two. No more, no less.”

If all else fails, the bed debate proves that Star Wars fans can make art out of almost anything. Even a discussion about bed sizes.