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‘Star Wars’ fans pit two of Darth Sidious’ best and brightest against one another for a theoretical stand-off

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In Star Wars, there are plenty of bad guys who have never met each other in a fight. You never see Dooku and Maul duke it out on film and, now, some fans of the franchise are debating just who would come out on top had they ever paired up for a dynamic duel.

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The above post on Reddit is burning up with debate as of this story’s filing. The top comment for the moment suggests Dooku would be the favorite given his greater level of experience and more control of his emotions, but many do not write off Maul.

byu/throwawayfetish294 from discussion
byu/throwawayfetish294 from discussion

It is true Maul was able to best Dooku and force him to bend the knee in comics and others give the original prequel Sith an edge due to his weapon. For one fan, if you look at how a real blade fares against a spear, you can see Dooku would not have it easy.

byu/throwawayfetish294 from discussion

Later in the discourse, a different user points to the pair’s successes and failures on film. With Maul not having the best luck in combat against several of the franchise’s heroes, they suggest this would not bode well if he went up against Dooku. Especially considering Dooku was able to take on several tough combatants at once and with only one hand grasping his corrupted blade.

byu/throwawayfetish294 from discussion

Of course, with fictional characters, you can have a physical fight go any way the person who writes it imagines. One suggestion in the thread is for Disney to make a What If…? show for Star Wars on Disney Plus, so we could end up seeing this someday.