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Star Wars: The Last Jedi And Star Wars Episode IX Will Return To Some Familiar Planets

We still know very little about what to expect from Star Wars: The Last Jedi and the currently untitled Star Wars Episode IX, but a new report claims to shed some light on where the movies will be taking us. Apparently, Tatooine, Endor, and Mustafar will all be featured in the next couple of Star Wars main saga releases.

We still know very little about what to expect from Star Wars: The Last Jedi and the currently untitled Star Wars Episode IX, but a new report claims to shed some light on where the movies will be taking us. Apparently, Tatooine, Endor and Mustafar will all be featured in the next couple of Star Wars main saga releases.

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These won’t just be random visits, either, as someone specifically ties them together and that just so happens to be Kylo Ren. His obsession with his Darth Vader is what leads the villain to visit the birthplace of his grandfather, the moon he was cremated on, and the planet he called home (which we learned in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story).

This is interesting for a number of reasons. Star Wars: The Force Awakens barely scratched the surface when it came Kylo Ren’s turn to the Dark Side, while his interest in Vader – not to mention that iconic villain’s many secrets – should provide plenty of new plot points for Star Wars: The Last Jedi and beyond. Just as fascinating will be seeing what’s become of these planets in the decades which have passed since we last visited them. They’re each iconic for a variety of reasons, so learning more about how they’ve changed and in what way they’ll factor into this trilogy promises to be very rewarding for fans of the franchise.

With Star Wars Celebration right around the corner, you can expect to learn more about Star Wars: The Last Jedi quite soon, as the film will have a big presence at the event and will most likely debut its first trailer there as well. Until then, let us know in the comments section what you’re most looking forward to seeing in the Rian Johnson-helmed release.