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Star Wars: Rogue One Details Revealed

We're still a ways off from Gareth Edwards' anticipated Star Wars spinoff Rogue One. But as you'd imagine for a movie set in the galaxy far, far away, fanboys are already foaming at the mouth for any and all information about the spinoff, which will be the second in Disney and Lucasfilm's resuscitation of the beloved sci-fi franchise after this December's Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

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We’re still a ways off from Gareth Edwards’ anticipated Star Wars spinoff Rogue One. But as you’d imagine for a movie set in the galaxy far, far away, fanboys are already foaming at the mouth for any and all information about the spinoff, which will be the second in Disney and Lucasfilm’s resuscitation of the beloved sci-fi franchise after this December’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Now, thanks to JoBlo, some tidbits of information about the top-secret project, which follows a rogue band of resistance fighters plotting to steal blueprints for the Death Star, have hit the web. There’s nothing super plot-sensitive here, but I’ll tack a SPOILER WARNING on just in case anyone is very sensitive about knowing as little as possible going in.

In keeping with what we’d heard previously about Rogue One, the “Star Wars Anthology” pic will be more like a war movie than anything previously seen in the franchise. It’s set during the “Dark Time” of the Empire, between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, when Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader ruled the galaxy with an iron fist, and sources are calling it “darker and grittier” than other Star Wars titles.


Rogue One is aiming to be like an old-school war film, focusing on the humans fighting for survival long after the Jedi have scattered into darkness. As one might expect given the setting, traditional Stormtrooper armor will be seen, and there will be lots of alien life forms (including Mon Calamari), as well as new aliens and droids never before introduced in the canonical Star Wars universe. One of those droids is part of the main rebel band that comes together to steal the Death Star plans.

AT-ATs, X-Wings, Y-Wings, AT-STs and other familiar vehicles will be seen, possibly on Yavin-4, where some of the film reportedly takes place. And finally, expect the main cast members to participate in the film’s war sequences – star Felicity Jones has been seen dressed as a rebel soldier ready for battle.

So, as promised, nothing too spoiler-y, but those bits of information certainly clarify that Rogue One is going to be a very different kind of movie, more brooding and violent than other Star Wars pics. It will be particularly exciting to see how Jones fits in – she’s a tremendously talented actress, and rumors have her as the lead character. In addition to Jones, the movie stars Ben Mendelsohn, Diego Luna, Sam Claflin and Riz Ahmed, and Alexandre Desplat is set to provide the score.

Star Wars: Rogue One opens December 16, 2016.