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Steve Lemme Confirms Super Troopers 2 Filming In 2015

Rumors of the Super Troopers sequel have been wreaking serious havoc with my emotions. The sequel idea was mentioned quite awhile ago, and seemed to be confirmed by members of the Broken Lizard comedy troupe that produced the original cult comedy. Then we heard very little for or against the movie, and I was beginning to wonder if it was one of those wishful ideas that never gets off the ground - like the Galaxy Quest sequel. Thankfully, it sounds like Super Troopers 2 is indeed coming to the big screen.


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Rumors of the Super Troopers sequel have been wreaking serious havoc with my emotions. The sequel idea was mentioned quite awhile ago, and seemed to be confirmed by members of the Broken Lizard comedy troupe that produced the original cult classic. Then we heard very little for or against the movie, and I was beginning to wonder if it was one of those wishful ideas that never gets off the ground – like the Galaxy Quest sequel. Thankfully, it sounds like Super Troopers 2 is indeed coming to the big screen.

Steve Lemme, who played Mac in the first Super Troopers back in 2001, recently confirmed that the much-anticipated sequel is finally getting made. It seems that some little legal disputes were holding things up, but everything seems to be on track now.

Here’s what Lemme said:

You know, it was a combination of having to settle some of the legal disputes about making a sequel, while also negotiating terms for it. The fans have been asking for it for a while, but we were finally able to package everything together. Fox is going to distribute the film, but we needed to raise the money for it. We’re close. There may be a Kickstarter launched to raise the last little bit.

He continued by discussing what new shenanigans our mustachioed heroes will get up to this time around, thankfully without revealing any salient plot details:

I think it’s one of the more unique and interesting stories I’ve seen in awhile. But the movie picks up pretty much where we left off in the first one. It’s a few years later. The biggest difficulty was trying to top that opening scene, which so many people have complimented us on. I think we’ve done it.

High stakes, then, for our trooping boys and girls.

It’s been more than ten years since the last film, which can be just as bad for a sequel as producing a second one immediately following the first. However, as long the team is up for it and manages to bring back some of that old magic, I think they’ll be alright. How Broken Lizard will manage to top some of their antics in the previous film – which was actually pretty well-balanced for a gross-out comedy – we shall have to see to believe. Lemme promises that they will, though, and that’s good enough for me.

Super Troopers 2 will start filming in 2015.