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Steve McQueen And Gillian Flynn Drama Widows Pegged For September Start

Staging his follow-up to the critically-adorned 12 Years a Slave, McQueen and Flynn were poised to collaborate for new drama Widows, and while there's been little signs of progress emerging from pre-production, we know have word of when the feature will step before cameras.


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More than a year has passed since we last caught wind of the Steve McQueen’s partnership with author Gillian Flynn (Gone Girl, Dark Places).

Staging his follow-up to the critically-adorned 12 Years a Slave, McQueen and Flynn were poised to collaborate for new drama Widows, and while there’s been little signs of progress emerging from pre-production, we now have word of when the feature will step before cameras.

According to My Entertainment World, the female-led heist flick will enter production in September of this year. Based on the British television series of the same name – a creative avenue Netflix took for House of Cards, only Widows is set to be a feature film – McQueen’s latest will center around “four widows who come together to finish a robbery after their crooked husbands are killed on the job.”

Setting up shop at New Regency, Widows spins out the original concept and thrusts it into a modern-day American setting, expanding the core cast to four leading ladies instead of three.

With McQueen reportedly eager to bring his own twist to the gangster genre, producer Brad Weston previously teased “a contemporary, hard-hitting, very grounded gangster movie with four strong female characters.” Penning the screenplay alongside Flynn, should Entertainment World’s report hold some truth, then the Oscar-winning director has a few months yet to settle on his core cast of Widows.