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Looking Forward To Super?

The indie black comedy Super has a new movie poster. The release of the poster promotes the long-anticipated theatrical release of Super on April 1st, though it will be screening at upcoming film festival SXSW. The movie poster has a great comic my-kid-made-this-crappy-poster-and-I-don’t-care look and feel. Probably a perfect representation of the mood of the film.

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The indie black comedy Super has a new movie poster. The release of the poster promotes the long-anticipated theatrical release of Super on April 1st, though it will be screening at upcoming film festival SXSW. The movie poster has a great comic my-kid-made-this-crappy-poster-and-I-don’t-care look and feel. Probably a perfect representation of the mood of the film.

The Office’s Rainn Wilson plays a home-grown superhero without any actual super powers. Wilson stars as a Frank D’Arbo, a disgruntled nobody who watches his wife (Liv Tyler) run away with a drug dealer (Kevin Bacon), and decides to take matters of justice into his own hands. On the movie poster his dialogue bubble says “Shut up Crime!“ After a run-in with God, Frank transforms into The Crimson Bolt and decides to take on the evil in the world. He starts with bashing in the heads of a couple who cut in line at the movie theatre. As his reputation increases, a young comic book store clerk/psychopath (Ellen Page) signs up to be his sidekick, Boltie.

So this movie sounds like it’s going to be a lot of irreverent fun. Plenty of satire and crazy violence mixed with Rainn’s signature weirdness guarantees that Super is sure to please a certain kind of audience. For the budget, it’s amazing Super attracted such big names (relatively). Nathan Fillion (Serenity) is rumored to play a religious-nut superhero named The Holy Avenger.

James Gunn (Dawn of the Dead) wrote and directed Super. The homemade costume and crazy wannabe superhero scenario seems precariously close to last year’s Kick-Ass, as does the reportedly brutal violence and dark humor. I guess we’ll see.