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The Tea & Crumpet Filmcast: The Duke of Burgundy, Predestination And Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter (Episode 17)

This week on The Tea & Crumpet Filmcast, the gang talks Predestination, Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter and more.


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David James is off running a very, very, very long distance this week, leaving the lazier members of the Filmcast to do the rest of the (metaphorical, definitely not literal) heavy lifting themselves – mainly talking about movies and computer sex.

Dom and Liam are joined by the ever-reliable Dr. Lindsay Hallam (Lecturer in Film at the University of East London) as they continue to sift through the drudge of the March release schedule in the hope of finding something actually decent… with varying degrees of success.

On the chopping block for this episode are the Peter Strickland’s bug-coated BDSM lesbian fantagasm The Duke of Burgundy, the mind buggering Predestination, Michael Mann’s latest flop Blackhat and the really rather lovely Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter – plus, Dom struggles admirably to get to grips with the iMDB app.

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