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Ten Actors Who’ve Got More Than Just A Pretty Face

One thing we can’t deny is that a lot of Hollywood actors are good-looking. Their pretty faces grace the cover of magazines displayed on the news-stands we pass by. Or in the commercials that come up on our television. Some even get featured in music videos. But sometimes actors are more than just their pretty faces, here's ten examples of truly talented performers, who also happen to look really good.

Scarlet Johansson

9. Leonardo DiCaprio

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Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio has to be one of those actors whose name can be substituted as a synonym for great acting. In fact, he might be a bad example for this list because when I watch his movies, I never forget that I’m watching Leonardo DiCaprio. But this is not because of his handsome face or the charming nature he exudes on the big screen. It is simply because DiCaprio’s personas are marked with an expressive, acting signature that seems to exclusively belong to him. It’s an extremely raw talent that gets captured on screen.

DiCaprio’s flexibility as an actor is a testament to his astonishing performances. With every role he plays, he adds a certain level of depth to the character he portrays. In a movie, it is more than what his character says or how he behaves, but also his body language – the way his body expresses his emotions. From his depictions of anger as Frank Wheeler in Revolutionary Road to his expression of despair in the dream sequences of Shutter Island, DiCaprio has displayed quite a wide range of captivating performances.

In addition, he certainly isn’t afraid to explore villainous roles either. Assuming the role of a charming and abject plantation owner, Calvin Candie, in Django Unchained, DiCaprio pushes the limits of his acting further. An effort that I thought would definitely garner him an Oscar nod but unfortunately did not. Hopefully, his role in the upcoming movie, The Great Gatsby, might add an Academy Award to his list of accolades.

Leonardo DiCaprio is great at what he does, and it also doesn’t hurt that he looks good while doing it either. Can you tell he’s one of my favorites?

Check out the next page to find out who’s next on the list.