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Ten Actors Who’ve Got More Than Just A Pretty Face

One thing we can’t deny is that a lot of Hollywood actors are good-looking. Their pretty faces grace the cover of magazines displayed on the news-stands we pass by. Or in the commercials that come up on our television. Some even get featured in music videos. But sometimes actors are more than just their pretty faces, here's ten examples of truly talented performers, who also happen to look really good.

Scarlet Johansson

8. Emily Blunt

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Emily Blunt

The first movie in which I saw Emily Blunt perform was The Devil Wears Prada. While the movie featured well known actresses, like Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway, Blunt’s acting leveled with that of her co-stars. Playing Streep’s senior fashion assistant, Blunt gave one of the most memorable performances in the movie. I think that was her breakthrough moment, and I must say that her spotlight didn’t dim after that either.

She went on to star in other movies, most notably The Young Victoria, a movie that garnered her a few nominations, including a Golden Globe. Her transition from a fast-talking, fashion-loving assistant to a regal, soft-spoken queen was simply flawless.

Blunt shows that acting isn’t all about having a pretty face and she’s quickly become one of my favourite female performers to watch.

Check out the next page to find out who’s on the list.