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Ten Actors Who’ve Got More Than Just A Pretty Face

One thing we can’t deny is that a lot of Hollywood actors are good-looking. Their pretty faces grace the cover of magazines displayed on the news-stands we pass by. Or in the commercials that come up on our television. Some even get featured in music videos. But sometimes actors are more than just their pretty faces, here's ten examples of truly talented performers, who also happen to look really good.

Scarlet Johansson

6. Natalie Portman

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Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman’s got beauty and brains, as her degree from Harvard suggests. Although, when we watch her on screen, we tend not to care about either…well, maybe we care a little about her looks.

When Portman starred in her very first movie, Léon: The Professional, we saw great potential. Then she took that potential and transformed it into something beautiful in Closer. In the dark thriller, Black Swan, she was absolutely fascinating to watch, the range of emotions she evoked in the viewer attested to that. However, we must also not forget her striking performance as Evey Hammond in V for Vendetta. After all, Anne Hathaway isn’t the only actress who’s cried while her head was shaved.

Portman is always electric to watch on screen with whatever character she plays. She can easily alter her emotions, with crying from one moment to laughing in another. It’s like her face is a canvas for her character’s emotions. While she’s quite beautiful, her beauty extends to her acting.

Portman is an actress who can steal your breath away, simply with her facial expressions.

Check out the next page to find out who’s next on the list.