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Ten Actors Who’ve Got More Than Just A Pretty Face

One thing we can’t deny is that a lot of Hollywood actors are good-looking. Their pretty faces grace the cover of magazines displayed on the news-stands we pass by. Or in the commercials that come up on our television. Some even get featured in music videos. But sometimes actors are more than just their pretty faces, here's ten examples of truly talented performers, who also happen to look really good.

Scarlet Johansson

4. Emma Stone

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Emma Stone

What can I say about Emma Stone? This naturally blonde beauty pretty much stole my heart when she landed her first leading role in Easy A, in which she played a high school student who gets a bad reputation. While her character acquired a bad rep, Stone shined with her performance and received much deserved recognition.

In The Help, she once again managed to deliver. Her script selections have ranged from romantic comedies to dramas to superhero movies to crime films. She’s dipping her toes in everything and no matter what she chooses to do, we can always expect an excellent performance, proving that Emma Stone is much more than just another blonde beauty.

Check out the next page to find out who’s next on the list.