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The 10 best ‘Star Wars’ sidekick characters, ranked

Who said all sidekicks had to be good guys?

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Star Wars has given us some pretty incredible MCs over its half-a-century-long run. But the series is made of so much more than Jedi Knights and alien warlords. Some of the best characters in the franchise help carry the narrative, and yet, these venerated sidekicks will never get their own series — or maybe they shouldn’t have gotten their own series — but that doesn’t mean they can’t carry a story. These ten sidekicks come in many different shapes and sizes and vary in on-screen time as well as contribution to the overall story, but don’t discount all they do. If Star Wars ever made a spin-off like Teen Titans, these are the folks we think would make the most solid team, from most to least helpful.

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1. Chewbacca

Photo via Lucasfilm

There are few partnerships as recognizable as Han Solo and Chewbacca in the world of cinema. The duo has been together through most of Star Wars’ history, and for good reason. The sardonic and fast-talking Han wouldn’t have lived very long without this hulking friend, and while their friendship is closer to a partnership, there’s no denying that Han takes point in this legendary team. Even with Solo heading the party, it’s easy to see who does all the real work; Chewie flies, fights, and repairs, and I’m willing to bet somewhere on the Millennium Falcon that there is a giant-sized “kiss the cook” apron somewhere.

With Wookies living several centuries longer than humans, we always knew their team-up would come to an end with Han’s death, but seeing the final adventures of Han Solo and Chewbacca during The Force Awakens really marked the end of an era. We just have to have hope that the Wookie finds some sense of peace traveling the galaxy with Rey in the future.

2. Chopper

Chopper in Star Wars
Image via Star Wars Databank

Since her live-action debut in Star Wars: Ahsoka, Hera Syndulla is finally getting the respect she deserves. The Twi’lek pilot has been working her perfectly toned buns off for peace since before Luke and Leia were twinkles in their father’s eye. There’s no doubt she’s one of the galaxy’s greatest pilots, but where would she be without the help of her loyal — and homicidal — co-pilot and sidekick, Chopper. The Astro-droid helped her find her wings and has been running diagnostics for her since she was just a teenager on Ryloth. He can do everything, from flying a ship and delivering mild electric shocks to annoying bystanders, to murdering an entire starship full of stormtroopers. There’s no way Chop didn’t lend a metal appendage to help raise her son Jacen, making him one of the best sidekicks in the ‘verse.

3. Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-wan Kenobi teases his master
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The first time Ewan McGregor graced us with his immeasurably attractive take on Obi-Wan Kenobi, he was little more than a spunky sass machine. He might have been close to earning his position of Jedi Knight at 25, but what is a padawan but a glorified sidekick? Obi-Wan does whatever is needed of him – guarding ships, amplifying transmission signals, and keeping his thoughts on the here and now. Obi-Wan might have taken a several-year-long break from playing sidekick during the events of the Clone Wars, but he falls back into a semblance of the role when he emerges to meet Luke after decades of hiding. He might not provide much comic relief, but there’s no denying Obi-Wan’s supporting role for Luke. Long after his death, Obi-Wan is still providing advice for his pseudo-godson, making him an unconventional but necessary sidekick.

4. C-3PO

C-3PO in Ahsoka
Photo via Disney Plus

Sometimes it feels like C-3P0 and R2D2 are like siblings — or perhaps a long-married couple — rather than a leading man and their sidekick. Make no mistake, R2D2 runs most of their lives when it comes to things that matter. 3P0 might run dinner parties, but when it comes to the brunt of Star Wars, he’s just trying to stay on the ride. The poor guy doesn’t even remember the first half of his life after having his memory erased post-Clone Wars, and yet, he’s still in the thick of it every time. Beyond his droid best friend, 3PO acts as support staff for four generations of Skywalker women, starting with Anakin’s mother and ending with Rey Skywalker. His unwavering loyalty, undeniable skill at complaining, and quantifiable usefulness make 3PO one of the best sidekicks of all time.

5. Finn

Photo via Lucasfilm

There might have been ridiculous controversy around John Boyega’s involvement with The Force Awakens but there is no denying Finn’s enduring status as an amazing sidekick in the film and its resulting trilogy. He easily balances humor, heroics, and even gut-punching fear throughout his adventure with Rey, but let’s be honest, most of us were more excited about his reunion with Poe Dameron. While he certainly has the chops to be a leading man, Finn’s deep loyalty to his favorite people means he’ll always put aside his own desires to help them out of a bind. After overcoming a lifetime of indoctrination, his compassion, sense of humor, and loyalty mark Finn as one of the best sidekicks in the series, even if he deserves to be a leading man.

6. Captain Rex

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Look, it must suck knowing that you were created for exactly one purpose and only that purpose, but Captain Rex handles the burden with style. The Clone commando served under Anakin from day one and defied genetic manipulation, indoctrination, and a whole world of other “ations” to rise as the ultimate sidekick. This man’s loyalty to Ahsoka Tano ran so deep that he was able to fight off the effects of a mind control chip just to give her a fighting chance. When the war was over and his duty fulfilled, the old codger came out of retirement to stick it to the Empire. Long after his clone brothers disappeared, Rex was still fighting the good fight, sidekickin’ it with Jedi. He even made it to the Battle of Endor somewhere around 60 years old and served under his former general’s progeny, Leia Organa.

7. Boba Fett

Star Wars hypocrisy
Photo via Disney Plus

If The Book of Boba Fett taught us anything, it’s that some characters make better side characters. Boba Fett has been one of the most enigmatic and badass characters in Star Wars since he first showed up in 1978’s Star Wars Holiday Special. It was the quiet and cool way the bounty hunter presented himself that made fans fawn, and over the years it seemed that the more Disney tried to utilize the character, the more fans disliked him. Over the years he’s filled tertiary roles for Darth Vader, Jabba the Hutt, Jango Fett, Din Djarin, and Aura Singh, giving him one of the most well-rounded resumes of any sidekick in the series.

8. Hondo Onahka

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If Hondo Ohnaka ever saw this list, there’s no doubt in my mind that he would assume that Ezra Bridger was his sidekick. Heck, his ego is big enough he probably would have claimed that he even taught Anakin Skywalker a thing or two. Throughout the Clone Wars, the Weequay leaped from team to team to suit his self-interests in an on-again-off-again flirtation with morality. But let’s face it, the aging pirate never would have made it through his golden years if it hadn’t been for Bridger. Every time he makes an appearance in Star Wars: Rebels, it’s all but guaranteed that shenanigans will ensue, and someone is going to prison. Sure, Hondo has his own sidekicks, but in the hierarchy of heists, even Melch knows that his best bet for survival means Hondo playing second fiddle.  

9. General Grievous

General Grievous
Image via StarWars.com

Unlike the villains Darth Maul and Asajj Ventress, General Grievous never quite managed to break out from under his master’s heel. Maybe that was because the man-turned-robot realized he didn’t have what it took to stand on his own, or maybe it was because he never reached the status of Sith apprentice. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying Grevious’ skills. Heck, the lightsaber-wielding menace has one of the scariest Jedi takedowns of all time, and he walked away from fights with Obi-Wan Kenobi on multiple occasions. Loyalty means a lot in the world of sidekicks and that is one thing grievous has in droves for his masters. Despite all his skills — and his laundry list of murdered Jedi – Grievous never tried to branch out on his own, making him the best sidekick villain in the Galactic Empire.

10. Sabé, Cordé, and Amidala’s handmaidens

Keira Knightly as Sabe
Sabe Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Okay, I know that this is a group and not just one person, but we can’t discount how incredibly brave these girls were throughout The Phantom Menace. The entire premise of the film hinged on the misdirection performed by Padmé Amidala and her intrepid handmaidens. Padmé’s body doubles — Sabé (Keira Knightley) specifically — weren’t exactly wearing body armor when they dressed as the Queen or used their bodies as human shields. At just 14 it’s hard to think these gals fully understood what they were getting into, but if Cordé’s death in episode 2 was any indication, it was a job they were more than willing to do.