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The case has been made for an Oscar-winning horror director to launch a spellbinding superhero franchise

We would be seated.

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It would be a complete understatement to say that acclaimed auteur Jordan Peele has proven to be one of the most sought-after and profitable filmmakers in the landscape of modern-day horror. When you take a step back, winning an Oscar for Get Out was impressive enough on its own, but gaining traction and respect for follow-ups like Us and Nope, it’s obvious we’re all walking amongst an absolute cinematic genius.

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Of course, when you carry as much popularity and intrigue as Peele holds in his hand, it feels only evident that moviegoers were soon going to express interest in Peele taking the reins on a superhero franchise and adding his own horror-esque twist on it. As the case may be, horror fanatics on Reddit have already entertained the idea of having Peele attach his name to a superhero/horror extravaganza at some point in the near future. 

Lupita Nyong'o as Red in Us
Image via Universal Pictures

As to be expected, commenters within the thread were completely split down the middle, with some users advocating for Peele to orchestrate a Brightburn universe, while others insisted that DCU boss James Gunn should take the reins on Brightburn. In an even hotter take, one user suggested that superhero movies have been done to death and that they’d rather not see any more. Could be Jason Blum’s burner account, maybe?

With all that being said, the superhero landscape enlisting the talent of Peele wouldn’t be a questionable move at all. After all, if Peele had the talent and guts to completely revamp the Twilight Zone series, then he surely has the ability to craft an unforgettable superhero franchise.