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The evidence is right there that ‘Blue Beetle’ wouldn’t have bombed if going to the movies wasn’t so damned expensive

It's almost as if people wait for streaming because it's significantly cheaper...

blue beetle
Image via Warner Bros.

Everybody knows that going to the movies is getting ridiculously expensive, especially if you’re heading out to the multiplex as a family, and the evidence is right there for all to see that Blue Beetle may not have suffered quite such a dismal fate at the box office were tickets cheaper than they currently are.

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Of course, more tickets at a lesser price doesn’t necessarily equate to higher revenue, and you can state the argument that the sentiment applies to virtually any feature currently in wide release, but the Battlalion has been out in force once again this weekend, with many of them left with nothing but disappointment to show for it.

blue beetle
Photo via Warner Bros.

Thanks to National Cinema Day, moviegoers all over the country were snapping up $4 tickets left, right, and center, even if it was Gran Turismo that ended up leading the pack thanks to some questionable accounting practices from Sony that edged the ridiculously acclaimed video game adaptation ahead of Barbie.

However, there’s been widespread dismay after a lot of folks with designs on catching Blue Beetle ended up discovering that tickets had been selling out everywhere, leaving them unable to even show support for the struggling superhero origin story.


Blue Beetle is coming to digital and VOD in a matter of weeks as it is, and in the city where this writer resides the biggest chain has only been screening the film once a day every day since it released, so the odds were always going to be stacked against it turning a profit. And yet, you can’t help but be left wondering what might have been under different circumstances.