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The Internet’s Losing It Over Justin Bieber Calling Out Tom Cruise For A UFC Fight

Justin Bieber has publicly challenged Tom Cruise, he of Mission: Impossible fame, to a UFC brawl. And the Internet is losing its mind.

Tom Cruise

It’s easily the most bizarre celebrity news story we’ve seen in weeks – if not months.

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Earlier today, Justin Bieber publicly challenged Tom Cruise, he of Mission: Impossible fame, to a UFC brawl. Why, you ask? We’re not quite sure; all we know is that Bieber believes his opponent “will never live it down” should he refuse. Hell, former UFC champ Conor McGregor has even weighed in on the situation, so you can imagine some of the knee-jerk reactions ricocheting off the walls of the Internet.

Frankly, some of them are downright hilarious, so we scoured the four corners of the web to compile the very best takes on Bieber Vs. Cruise – the welterweight (?) fight of the century.




Tom Cruise

You have to wonder what prompted Bieber’s outburst. Is the singer-songwriter secretly hinting at his next movie role? Or is this merely a PR stunt? Better yet, what will Tom Cruise’s response be? Assuming there is one, of course…

Despite ties to the controversial Scientology, the 56-year-old has been a model professional for most of his acting career, performing his own stunts and generally raising the bar for action filmmaking across the board. So why on Earth would he want to step into the Octagon and challenge someone (almost) 30 years his junior? It defies description. As a matter of fact, it defies logic, but here we are.

We’re still awaiting Tom Cruise‘s official response to this challenge, though we imagine the movie star is in no hurry to engage in a Twitter feud with someone young enough to be his son. Besides, he’s still filming Top Gun: Maverick, and likely has one of the busiest schedules in all of Hollywood. So Team Bieber have their work cut out if they really intend on making this celebrity dust-up a reality.